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Preparing the Dataset with Builder Script or TFDS Module

  1. For this example, we will be using the 10 Monkey Species dataset.

    The directory structure of this dataset is as follows:

    |-- monkey_labels.txt
    |-- training
    |   `-- training
    |       |-- n0
    |       |-- n1
    |       |-- n2
    |       |-- n3
    |       |-- n4
    |       |-- n5
    |       |-- n6
    |       |-- n7
    |       |-- n8
    |       `-- n9
    |           |-- n9151jpg
    |           `-- n9160.png
    `-- validation
        `-- validation
            |-- n0
            |-- n1
            |-- n2
            |-- n3
            |-- n4
            |-- n5
            |-- n6
            |-- n7
            |-- n8
            `-- n9

  2. Next let us setup wandb-addons. We can do this using the following command:

    git clone
    pip install -q wandb-addons[dataset]

    This would install wandb-addons and also optional dependencies including tensorflow and tfds-nightly, the nightly release of tensorflow-datasets.

  3. Now, let us cd into the monkey_species_dataset directory and initialize the tensorflow datasets template files, which would be used for interpreting and registering features from our dataset.

    cd monkey_species_dataset
    # Create `monkey_species_dataset/monkey_species` template files.
    tfds new monkey_species 

    This would create a directory with the following structure inside the directory monkey_species_dataset:

       |-- CITATIONS.bib
       |-- TAGS.txt
       |-- checksums.tsv
       |-- dummy_data
       |   `-- TODO-add_fake_data_in_this_directory.txt

    The complete directory structure of monkey_species_dataset at this point is going to something like:

    |-- monkey_labels.txt
    |-- monkey_species
    |   |-- CITATIONS.bib
    |   |--
    |   |-- TAGS.txt
    |   |--
    |   |-- checksums.tsv
    |   |-- dummy_data
    |   |   `-- TODO-add_fake_data_in_this_directory.txt
    |   |--
    |   `--
    |-- training
    |   `-- training
    |       |-- n0
    |       |-- n1
    |       |-- n2
    |       |-- n3
    |       |-- n4
    |       |-- n5
    |       |-- n6
    |       |-- n7
    |       |-- n8
    |       `-- n9
    |           |-- n9151jpg
    |           `-- n9160.png
    `-- validation
        `-- validation
            |-- n0
            |-- n1
            |-- n2
            |-- n3
            |-- n4
            |-- n5
            |-- n6
            |-- n7
            |-- n8
            `-- n9


    The name with which you initialize the tfds new command would be used as the name of your dataset.

  4. Now we will write our dataset builder in the file monkey_species_dataset/monkey_species/ This logic for writing a dataset builder is exactly similar to that of creating the same for HuggingFace Datasets or a vanilla TensorFlow dataset.


    Alternative to step 3, you could also simply inclide a builder script <dataset_name>.py into the monkey_species_dataset directory, instead of creating the TFDS module.

    You can refer to the following guides for writing builder scripts

  5. Now that our dataset is ready with the specifications for loading the features, we can upload it to our Weights & Biases project as an artifact using the upload_dataset function, which would verify if the dataset build is successful or not before uploading the dataset.

    import wandb
    from wandb_addons.dataset import upload_dataset
    # Initialize a W&B Run
    wandb.init(project="my-awesome-project", job_type="upload_dataset") 
    # Note that we should set our dataset name as the name of the artifact
    upload_dataset(name="my_awesome_dataset", path="./my/dataset/path", type="dataset")

    In order to load this dataset in your ML workflow you can simply use the load_dataset function:

    from wandb_addons.dataset import load_dataset
    datasets, dataset_builder_info = load_dataset("entity-name/my-awesome-project/my_awesome_dataset:v0")


    • In the upload_dataset function by default convert a registered dataset to TFRecords (like this artifact). You can alternatively upload the dataset in its original state along with the added TFDS module containing the builder script by simply setting upload_tfrecords parameter to False.
    • Note that this won't affect loading the dataset using load_dataset, dataset loading from artifacts would work as long as the artifact contains either the TFRecords or the original dataset with the TFDS module.
    • The TFRecord artifact has to follow the specification specified in this guide. However, if you're using the upload_dataset function, you don't need to worry about this.

    You can take a look at this artifact that demonstrates the aforementioned directory structure and builder logic.