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Manages the evaluation calls for a specific project and entity in Weave.

This class is responsible for initializing and managing evaluation calls associated with a specific project and entity. It provides functionality to collect guardrail guard calls from evaluation predictions and scores, and render these calls into a structured format suitable for display in Streamlit.


Name Type Description Default
entity str

The entity name.

project str

The project name.

call_id str

The call id.

max_count int

The maximum number of guardrail guard calls to collect from the evaluation.

Source code in safeguards/
class EvaluationCallManager:
    Manages the evaluation calls for a specific project and entity in Weave.

    This class is responsible for initializing and managing evaluation calls associated with a
    specific project and entity. It provides functionality to collect guardrail guard calls
    from evaluation predictions and scores, and render these calls into a structured format
    suitable for display in Streamlit.

        entity (str): The entity name.
        project (str): The project name.
        call_id (str): The call id.
        max_count (int): The maximum number of guardrail guard calls to collect from the evaluation.

    def __init__(self, entity: str, project: str, call_id: str, max_count: int = 10):
        self.base_call = weave.init(f"{entity}/{project}").get_call(call_id=call_id)
        self.max_count = max_count
        self.show_warning_in_app = False
        self.call_list = []

    def collect_guardrail_guard_calls_from_eval(self):
        Collects guardrail guard calls from evaluation predictions and scores.

        This function iterates through the children calls of the base evaluation call,
        extracting relevant guardrail guard calls and their associated scores. It stops
        collecting calls if it encounters an "Evaluation.summarize" operation or if the
        maximum count of guardrail guard calls is reached. The collected calls are stored
        in a list of dictionaries, each containing the input prompt, outputs, and score.

            list: A list of dictionaries, each containing:
                - input_prompt (str): The input prompt for the guard call.
                - outputs (dict): The outputs of the guard call.
                - score (dict): The score of the guard call.
        guard_calls, count = [], 0
        for eval_predict_and_score_call in self.base_call.children():
            if "Evaluation.summarize" in eval_predict_and_score_call._op_name:
            guardrail_predict_call = eval_predict_and_score_call.children()[0]
            guard_call = guardrail_predict_call.children()[0]
            score_call = eval_predict_and_score_call.children()[1]
                    "input_prompt": str(guard_call.inputs["prompt"]),
                    "outputs": dict(guard_call.output),
                    "score": dict(score_call.output),
            count += 1
            if count >= self.max_count:
                self.show_warning_in_app = True
        return guard_calls

    def render_calls_to_streamlit(self):
        Renders the collected guardrail guard calls into a pandas DataFrame suitable for
        display in Streamlit.

        This function processes the collected guardrail guard calls stored in `self.call_list` and
        organizes them into a dictionary format that can be easily converted into a pandas DataFrame.
        The DataFrame contains columns for the input prompts, the safety status of the outputs, and
        the correctness of the predictions for each guardrail.

        The structure of the DataFrame is as follows:
        - The first column contains the input prompts.
        - Subsequent columns contain the safety status and prediction correctness for each guardrail.

            pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the input prompts, safety status, and prediction
                          correctness for each guardrail.
        dataframe = {
            "input_prompt": [
                call["input_prompt"] for call in self.call_list[0]["calls"]
        for guardrail_call in self.call_list:
            dataframe[guardrail_call["guardrail_name"] + ".safe"] = [
                call["outputs"]["safe"] for call in guardrail_call["calls"]
            dataframe[guardrail_call["guardrail_name"] + ".prediction_correctness"] = [
                call["score"]["correct"] for call in guardrail_call["calls"]
        return pd.DataFrame(dataframe)


Collects guardrail guard calls from evaluation predictions and scores.

This function iterates through the children calls of the base evaluation call, extracting relevant guardrail guard calls and their associated scores. It stops collecting calls if it encounters an "Evaluation.summarize" operation or if the maximum count of guardrail guard calls is reached. The collected calls are stored in a list of dictionaries, each containing the input prompt, outputs, and score.


Name Type Description

A list of dictionaries, each containing: - input_prompt (str): The input prompt for the guard call. - outputs (dict): The outputs of the guard call. - score (dict): The score of the guard call.

Source code in safeguards/
def collect_guardrail_guard_calls_from_eval(self):
    Collects guardrail guard calls from evaluation predictions and scores.

    This function iterates through the children calls of the base evaluation call,
    extracting relevant guardrail guard calls and their associated scores. It stops
    collecting calls if it encounters an "Evaluation.summarize" operation or if the
    maximum count of guardrail guard calls is reached. The collected calls are stored
    in a list of dictionaries, each containing the input prompt, outputs, and score.

        list: A list of dictionaries, each containing:
            - input_prompt (str): The input prompt for the guard call.
            - outputs (dict): The outputs of the guard call.
            - score (dict): The score of the guard call.
    guard_calls, count = [], 0
    for eval_predict_and_score_call in self.base_call.children():
        if "Evaluation.summarize" in eval_predict_and_score_call._op_name:
        guardrail_predict_call = eval_predict_and_score_call.children()[0]
        guard_call = guardrail_predict_call.children()[0]
        score_call = eval_predict_and_score_call.children()[1]
                "input_prompt": str(guard_call.inputs["prompt"]),
                "outputs": dict(guard_call.output),
                "score": dict(score_call.output),
        count += 1
        if count >= self.max_count:
            self.show_warning_in_app = True
    return guard_calls


Renders the collected guardrail guard calls into a pandas DataFrame suitable for display in Streamlit.

This function processes the collected guardrail guard calls stored in self.call_list and organizes them into a dictionary format that can be easily converted into a pandas DataFrame. The DataFrame contains columns for the input prompts, the safety status of the outputs, and the correctness of the predictions for each guardrail.

The structure of the DataFrame is as follows: - The first column contains the input prompts. - Subsequent columns contain the safety status and prediction correctness for each guardrail.


Type Description

pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the input prompts, safety status, and prediction correctness for each guardrail.

Source code in safeguards/
def render_calls_to_streamlit(self):
    Renders the collected guardrail guard calls into a pandas DataFrame suitable for
    display in Streamlit.

    This function processes the collected guardrail guard calls stored in `self.call_list` and
    organizes them into a dictionary format that can be easily converted into a pandas DataFrame.
    The DataFrame contains columns for the input prompts, the safety status of the outputs, and
    the correctness of the predictions for each guardrail.

    The structure of the DataFrame is as follows:
    - The first column contains the input prompts.
    - Subsequent columns contain the safety status and prediction correctness for each guardrail.

        pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the input prompts, safety status, and prediction
                      correctness for each guardrail.
    dataframe = {
        "input_prompt": [
            call["input_prompt"] for call in self.call_list[0]["calls"]
    for guardrail_call in self.call_list:
        dataframe[guardrail_call["guardrail_name"] + ".safe"] = [
            call["outputs"]["safe"] for call in guardrail_call["calls"]
        dataframe[guardrail_call["guardrail_name"] + ".prediction_correctness"] = [
            call["score"]["correct"] for call in guardrail_call["calls"]
    return pd.DataFrame(dataframe)


Bases: TrainerCallback

StreamlitProgressbarCallback is a custom callback for the Hugging Face Trainer that integrates a progress bar into a Streamlit application. This class updates the progress bar at each training step, providing real-time feedback on the training process within the Streamlit interface.


Name Type Description
progress_bar DeltaGenerator

A Streamlit progress bar object initialized to 0 with the text "Training".


Name Description

Updates the progress bar at the beginning of each training step. The progress is calculated as the percentage of completed steps out of the total steps. The progress bar text is updated to show the current step and the total steps.

Source code in safeguards/
class StreamlitProgressbarCallback(TrainerCallback):
    StreamlitProgressbarCallback is a custom callback for the Hugging Face Trainer
    that integrates a progress bar into a Streamlit application. This class updates
    the progress bar at each training step, providing real-time feedback on the
    training process within the Streamlit interface.

        progress_bar (streamlit.delta_generator.DeltaGenerator): A Streamlit progress
            bar object initialized to 0 with the text "Training".

        on_step_begin(args, state, control, **kwargs):
            Updates the progress bar at the beginning of each training step. The progress
            is calculated as the percentage of completed steps out of the total steps.
            The progress bar text is updated to show the current step and the total steps.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.progress_bar = st.progress(0, text="Training")

    def on_step_begin(
        args: TrainingArguments,
        state: TrainerState,
        control: TrainerControl,
        super().on_step_begin(args, state, control, **kwargs)
            (state.global_step * 100 // state.max_steps) + 1,
            text=f"Training {state.global_step} / {state.max_steps}",


Initializes guardrails for the Streamlit application based on the user's selection from the sidebar. This function dynamically imports and configures various guardrail classes from the 'guardrails_genie.guardrails' module, depending on the guardrail names specified in the Streamlit session state.

The function iterates over each guardrail name in 'st.session_state.guardrail_names' and performs the following actions based on the guardrail type:

  • For "PromptInjectionLLMGuardrail", it allows the user to select a language model from a dropdown and initializes the guardrail with the selected model.
  • For "PromptInjectionClassifierGuardrail", it initializes the guardrail with a predefined model name.
  • For "PromptInjectionLlamaGuardrail", it takes a checkpoint name input from the user and initializes the guardrail with the specified checkpoint.
  • For entity recognition guardrails like "PresidioEntityRecognitionGuardrail", "RegexEntityRecognitionGuardrail", and "TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail", it provides a checkbox for the user to decide whether to anonymize entities and initializes the guardrail accordingly.
  • For "RestrictedTermsJudge", it provides a checkbox for anonymization and initializes the guardrail based on the user's choice.
  • For any other guardrail names, it initializes the guardrail with default settings.

After initializing all guardrails, it creates a 'GuardrailManager' instance with the configured guardrails and stores it in the session state for further use in the application.

Source code in safeguards/
def initialize_guardrails_on_playground():
    Initializes guardrails for the Streamlit application based on the user's selection
    from the sidebar. This function dynamically imports and configures various guardrail
    classes from the 'guardrails_genie.guardrails' module, depending on the guardrail
    names specified in the Streamlit session state.

    The function iterates over each guardrail name in 'st.session_state.guardrail_names'
    and performs the following actions based on the guardrail type:

    - For "PromptInjectionLLMGuardrail", it allows the user to select a language model
      from a dropdown and initializes the guardrail with the selected model.
    - For "PromptInjectionClassifierGuardrail", it initializes the guardrail with a
      predefined model name.
    - For "PromptInjectionLlamaGuardrail", it takes a checkpoint name input from the user
      and initializes the guardrail with the specified checkpoint.
    - For entity recognition guardrails like "PresidioEntityRecognitionGuardrail",
      "RegexEntityRecognitionGuardrail", and "TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail",
      it provides a checkbox for the user to decide whether to anonymize entities and
      initializes the guardrail accordingly.
    - For "RestrictedTermsJudge", it provides a checkbox for anonymization and initializes
      the guardrail based on the user's choice.
    - For any other guardrail names, it initializes the guardrail with default settings.

    After initializing all guardrails, it creates a 'GuardrailManager' instance with the
    configured guardrails and stores it in the session state for further use in the
    st.session_state.guardrails = []
    for guardrail_name in st.session_state.guardrail_names:
        if guardrail_name == "PromptInjectionLLMGuardrail":
            prompt_injection_llm_model = st.sidebar.selectbox(
                "Prompt Injection Guardrail LLM", ["gpt-4o-mini", "gpt-4o"]
            st.session_state.prompt_injection_llm_model = prompt_injection_llm_model
        elif guardrail_name == "PromptInjectionClassifierGuardrail":
        elif guardrail_name == "PromptInjectionLlamaGuardrail":
            prompt_injection_llama_guard_checkpoint_name = st.sidebar.text_input(
                "Checkpoint Name",
            st.session_state.prompt_injection_llama_guard_checkpoint_name = (
                        if st.session_state.prompt_injection_llama_guard_checkpoint_name
                        == ""
                        else st.session_state.prompt_injection_llama_guard_checkpoint_name
        elif guardrail_name == "PresidioEntityRecognitionGuardrail":
            presidio_entity_recognition_guardrail_should_anonymize = (
                    "Presidio Entity Recognition Guardrail: Anonymize", value=True
            st.session_state.presidio_entity_recognition_guardrail_should_anonymize = (
        elif guardrail_name == "RegexEntityRecognitionGuardrail":
            regex_entity_recognition_guardrail_should_anonymize = st.sidebar.checkbox(
                "Regex Entity Recognition Guardrail: Anonymize", value=True
            st.session_state.regex_entity_recognition_guardrail_should_anonymize = (
        elif guardrail_name == "TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail":
            transformers_entity_recognition_guardrail_should_anonymize = (
                    "Transformers Entity Recognition Guardrail: Anonymize", value=True
            st.session_state.transformers_entity_recognition_guardrail_should_anonymize = (
        elif guardrail_name == "RestrictedTermsJudge":
            restricted_terms_judge_should_anonymize = st.sidebar.checkbox(
                "Restricted Terms Judge: Anonymize", value=True
            st.session_state.restricted_terms_judge_should_anonymize = (
    st.session_state.guardrails_manager = GuardrailManager(