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Transformers Entity Recognition Guardrail


Bases: Guardrail

Generic guardrail for detecting entities using any token classification model.

This class leverages a transformer-based token classification model to detect and optionally anonymize entities in a given text. It uses the HuggingFace transformers library to load a pre-trained model and perform entity recognition.

Using TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail

from guardrails_genie.guardrails.entity_recognition import TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail

# Initialize with default model
guardrail = TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail(should_anonymize=True)

# Or with specific model and entities
guardrail = TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail(
    selected_entities=["GIVENNAME", "SURNAME", "EMAIL"],


Name Type Description
_pipeline Optional[object]

The transformer pipeline for token classification.

selected_entities List[str]

List of entities to detect.

should_anonymize bool

Flag indicating whether detected entities should be anonymized.

available_entities List[str]

List of all available entities that the model can detect.


Name Type Description Default
model_name str

The name of the pre-trained model to use for entity recognition.

selected_entities Optional[List[str]]

A list of specific entities to detect. If None, all available entities will be used.

should_anonymize bool

If True, detected entities will be anonymized.

show_available_entities bool

If True, available entity types will be printed.

Source code in safeguards/guardrails/entity_recognition/
class TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail(Guardrail):
    """Generic guardrail for detecting entities using any token classification model.

    This class leverages a transformer-based token classification model to detect and
    optionally anonymize entities in a given text. It uses the HuggingFace `transformers`
    library to load a pre-trained model and perform entity recognition.

    !!! example "Using TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail"
        from guardrails_genie.guardrails.entity_recognition import TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail

        # Initialize with default model
        guardrail = TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail(should_anonymize=True)

        # Or with specific model and entities
        guardrail = TransformersEntityRecognitionGuardrail(
            selected_entities=["GIVENNAME", "SURNAME", "EMAIL"],

        _pipeline (Optional[object]): The transformer pipeline for token classification.
        selected_entities (List[str]): List of entities to detect.
        should_anonymize (bool): Flag indicating whether detected entities should be anonymized.
        available_entities (List[str]): List of all available entities that the model can detect.

        model_name (str): The name of the pre-trained model to use for entity recognition.
        selected_entities (Optional[List[str]]): A list of specific entities to detect.
            If None, all available entities will be used.
        should_anonymize (bool): If True, detected entities will be anonymized.
        show_available_entities (bool): If True, available entity types will be printed.

    _pipeline: Optional[object] = None
    selected_entities: List[str]
    should_anonymize: bool
    available_entities: List[str]

    def __init__(
        model_name: str = "iiiorg/piiranha-v1-detect-personal-information",
        selected_entities: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        should_anonymize: bool = False,
        show_available_entities: bool = False,
        # Load model config and extract available entities
        config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name)
        entities = self._extract_entities_from_config(config)

        if show_available_entities:

        # Initialize default values if needed
        if selected_entities is None:
            selected_entities = entities  # Use all available entities by default

        # Filter out invalid entities and warn user
        invalid_entities = [e for e in selected_entities if e not in entities]
        valid_entities = [e for e in selected_entities if e in entities]

        if invalid_entities:
                f"\nWarning: The following entities are not available and will be ignored: {invalid_entities}"
            print(f"Continuing with valid entities: {valid_entities}")
            selected_entities = valid_entities

        # Call parent class constructor

        # Initialize pipeline
        self._pipeline = pipeline(
            aggregation_strategy="simple",  # Merge same entities

    def _extract_entities_from_config(self, config) -> List[str]:
        """Extract unique entity types from the model config."""
        # Get id2label mapping from config
        id2label = config.id2label

        # Extract unique entity types (removing B- and I- prefixes)
        entities = set()
        for label in id2label.values():
            if label.startswith(("B-", "I-")):
                entities.add(label[2:])  # Remove prefix
            elif label != "O":  # Skip the 'O' (Outside) label

        return sorted(list(entities))

    def _print_available_entities(self, entities: List[str]):
        """Print all available entity types that can be detected by the model."""
        print("\nAvailable entity types:")
        print("=" * 25)
        for entity in entities:
            print(f"- {entity}")
        print("=" * 25 + "\n")

    def print_available_entities(self):
        """Print all available entity types that can be detected by the model."""

    def _detect_entities(self, text: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
        """Detect entities in the text using the pipeline."""
        results = self._pipeline(text)

        # Group findings by entity type
        detected_entities = {}
        for entity in results:
            entity_type = entity["entity_group"]
            if entity_type in self.selected_entities:
                if entity_type not in detected_entities:
                    detected_entities[entity_type] = []

        return detected_entities

    def _anonymize_text(self, text: str, aggregate_redaction: bool = True) -> str:
        """Anonymize detected entities in text using the pipeline."""
        results = self._pipeline(text)

        # Sort entities by start position in reverse order to avoid offset issues
        entities = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x["start"], reverse=True)

        # Create a mutable list of characters
        chars = list(text)

        # Apply redactions
        for entity in entities:
            if entity["entity_group"] in self.selected_entities:
                start, end = entity["start"], entity["end"]
                replacement = (
                    " [redacted] "
                    if aggregate_redaction
                    else f" [{entity['entity_group']}] "

                # Replace the entity with the redaction marker
                chars[start:end] = replacement

        # Join characters and clean up only consecutive spaces (preserving newlines)
        result = "".join(chars)
        # Replace multiple spaces with single space, but preserve newlines
        lines = result.split("\n")
        cleaned_lines = [" ".join(line.split()) for line in lines]
        return "\n".join(cleaned_lines)

    def guard(
        prompt: str,
        return_detected_types: bool = True,
        aggregate_redaction: bool = True,
    ) -> (
        | TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse
        """Analyze the input prompt for entity recognition and optionally anonymize detected entities.

        This function utilizes a transformer-based pipeline to detect entities within the provided
        text prompt. It returns a response indicating whether any entities were found, along with
        detailed information about the detected entities if requested. The function can also anonymize
        the detected entities in the text based on the specified parameters.

            prompt (str): The text to be analyzed for entity detection.
            return_detected_types (bool): If True, the response includes detailed information about
                the types of entities detected. Defaults to True.
            aggregate_redaction (bool): If True, detected entities are anonymized using a generic
                [redacted] marker. If False, the specific entity type is used in the redaction.
                Defaults to True.

            TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse or TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse:
            A response object containing information about the presence of entities, an explanation
            of the detection process, and optionally, the anonymized text if entities were detected
            and anonymization is enabled.
        # Detect entities
        detected_entities = self._detect_entities(prompt)

        # Create explanation
        explanation_parts = []
        if detected_entities:
            explanation_parts.append("Found the following entities in the text:")
            for entity_type, instances in detected_entities.items():
                    f"- {entity_type}: {len(instances)} instance(s)"
            explanation_parts.append("No entities detected in the text.")

        explanation_parts.append("\nChecked for these entities:")
        for entity in self.selected_entities:
            explanation_parts.append(f"- {entity}")

        # Anonymize if requested
        anonymized_text = None
        if self.should_anonymize and detected_entities:
            anonymized_text = self._anonymize_text(prompt, aggregate_redaction)

        if return_detected_types:
            return TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse(
            return TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse(

    def predict(
        prompt: str,
        return_detected_types: bool = True,
        aggregate_redaction: bool = True,
    ) -> (
        | TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse
        return self.guard(

guard(prompt, return_detected_types=True, aggregate_redaction=True)

Analyze the input prompt for entity recognition and optionally anonymize detected entities.

This function utilizes a transformer-based pipeline to detect entities within the provided text prompt. It returns a response indicating whether any entities were found, along with detailed information about the detected entities if requested. The function can also anonymize the detected entities in the text based on the specified parameters.


Name Type Description Default
prompt str

The text to be analyzed for entity detection.

return_detected_types bool

If True, the response includes detailed information about the types of entities detected. Defaults to True.

aggregate_redaction bool

If True, detected entities are anonymized using a generic [redacted] marker. If False, the specific entity type is used in the redaction. Defaults to True.



Type Description
TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse | TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse

TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse or TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse:

TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse | TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse

A response object containing information about the presence of entities, an explanation

TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse | TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse

of the detection process, and optionally, the anonymized text if entities were detected

TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse | TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse

and anonymization is enabled.

Source code in safeguards/guardrails/entity_recognition/
def guard(
    prompt: str,
    return_detected_types: bool = True,
    aggregate_redaction: bool = True,
) -> (
    | TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse
    """Analyze the input prompt for entity recognition and optionally anonymize detected entities.

    This function utilizes a transformer-based pipeline to detect entities within the provided
    text prompt. It returns a response indicating whether any entities were found, along with
    detailed information about the detected entities if requested. The function can also anonymize
    the detected entities in the text based on the specified parameters.

        prompt (str): The text to be analyzed for entity detection.
        return_detected_types (bool): If True, the response includes detailed information about
            the types of entities detected. Defaults to True.
        aggregate_redaction (bool): If True, detected entities are anonymized using a generic
            [redacted] marker. If False, the specific entity type is used in the redaction.
            Defaults to True.

        TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse or TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse:
        A response object containing information about the presence of entities, an explanation
        of the detection process, and optionally, the anonymized text if entities were detected
        and anonymization is enabled.
    # Detect entities
    detected_entities = self._detect_entities(prompt)

    # Create explanation
    explanation_parts = []
    if detected_entities:
        explanation_parts.append("Found the following entities in the text:")
        for entity_type, instances in detected_entities.items():
                f"- {entity_type}: {len(instances)} instance(s)"
        explanation_parts.append("No entities detected in the text.")

    explanation_parts.append("\nChecked for these entities:")
    for entity in self.selected_entities:
        explanation_parts.append(f"- {entity}")

    # Anonymize if requested
    anonymized_text = None
    if self.should_anonymize and detected_entities:
        anonymized_text = self._anonymize_text(prompt, aggregate_redaction)

    if return_detected_types:
        return TransformersEntityRecognitionResponse(
        return TransformersEntityRecognitionSimpleResponse(


Print all available entity types that can be detected by the model.

Source code in safeguards/guardrails/entity_recognition/
def print_available_entities(self):
    """Print all available entity types that can be detected by the model."""